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Project Title:  Mobility recognition for integration – MORIN

About the project:

MORIN – Mobility Recognition for Integration, a strand 1 CBHE multi-country project, addresses ‘Integration of migrants’ as a regional overarching priority by focusing on academic recognition of student mobility based on learning outcomes as an innovative pedagogical approach, both necessary and pertinent, for linking work with education, by ensuring curriculum transparency, comparability, flexibility for improving recognition and study transfer procedures, revising course contents, methodologies and assessment to provide for student-centred and skills-oriented learning that adds an international, global dimension to the curriculum, thus, enhancing collaboration among WB6 HEIs for student exchange and intra-regional employability and connectivity.

The project follows these interconnected paths of action: developing documents and tools to establish a common regional approach to academic recognition, internationalizing the curriculum via global learning outcomes and embedded mobility, establishing institutional procedures for the recognition of credit mobility by adopting a learning outcomes model for enhancing transparency, quality teaching and learning for futureproof skills, and mobility and credential completion through credit transfer.

Specific objectives:

To work towards the achievement of the project’s main goal, i.e. building WB 3rd country not associated

to the programme HEIs’ capacities for academic recognition via LOs as an innovative pedagogical approach, both necessary and pertinent, for linking work with education, by ensuring curriculum transparency, comparability, flexibility for improving recognition and study transfer procedures, revising course contents, methodologies and assessment to provide for student-centred and skills-oriented learning that adds an international, global dimension to the curriculum, thus, enhancing collaboration among WB6 HEIs for student exchange and intra-regional employability and connectivity, the project is designed in coherence with the specific objectives which second the project’s main objective:

  1. To introduce and implement learner-centred and skills-oriented recognition of mobility as an innovative pedagogical approach that relies on LOs as the most important factor for prioritising skills and valuing diversity to enable comparability of study programmes for improved automatic recognition of study periods abroad and access to intra-regional connectivity.
  1. To harmonise and systematise recognition practices institution-wide for prompt and transparent full recognition and increased student mobility flows in the region.
  1. To develop a self-assessment methodology for external recognition of mobility and its impact on the student’s life and career, quality of study programmes, regional cooperation and integration and international outreach on the whole.


1. University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” – Coordinator, Albania
2. European University of Tirana, Albania
3. Professional College of Tirana, Albania
4. AAB College, Kosovo
5. College “Biznesi”, Kosovo
6. Palacky University of Olomouc, Czechia
7. University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, North Macedonia
8. University of Nis, Serbia

Duration: 2 years